Organization: Lakeland Area General Federation of Women’s Club, Minocqua and Boulder Junction Chambers of Commerce



Volunteer Service: Since 2011


What is the organization’s mission?

The General Federation of Women’s Club (GFWC) is a national volunteer service organization with over 3,000 Women’s Clubs in the United States. Our mission is around civic engagement and community volunteer service. We’re dedicated to enhancing the lives of others through our volunteer service.


The mission of the Chamber of Commerce is to develop and promote the economic climate of our communities, such as small business and entrepreneur support. Their ability to access resources, discounts and relationships help businesses save money and thrive.

How did you get involved with these organizations?
When I moved to Wisconsin in 2011, I wanted to get involved in the community. My manager recommended the Minocqua Chamber as a good opportunity to give back, represent the bank and build relationships in the community. In 2021, I began splitting my work between two cities and decided to join the Boulder Junction Chamber as well.


I got involved with the GFWC as a Northwoods district member after meeting the past president as an Associated Bank customer. She told me about an informational meeting and I knew it was something I wanted to do. I am now involved at both the district and state level and have served as treasurer, president and now vice president. I helped organize the Lakeland club at a local level in 2018 and have grown to 12 members since that time.

Can you share a memorable experience as part of your community involvement?  
I recently helped at a chamber-hosted triathlon and had an amazing experience. The volunteers who organize the event have been doing it for many years. I had the opportunity to work alongside them and they made the day great. I was so impressed by how appreciative the participants were of the volunteers. It made me feel good just being there.


With the GFWC, we’re working on an art beautification effort for our local parks. We recently painted a mural on a Brandy Park building in the Minocqua area and will continue to add art to all six buildings to spruce up the space and bring art to the community. We’ve done some fundraising and grant requests, but it’s primarily a GFWC funded project.

What do you feel is the most rewarding part of volunteering?
The rewarding part is just giving back to the community. Even though my nonprofit is small, we help the community in big ways. It’s rewarding to work hard for those fundraisers and it warms my heart to know that I am making a difference no matter how little or big the effort.


How has volunteerism influenced you as a person?

It has developed me and opened my eyes to opportunity. There are so many ways that people can get involved in our communities and it just takes one little step to say, ‘Yes, I am interested’ and, like a ripple effect, the possibilities open up. Whether that’s a new opportunity in the community or for your own personal development. Personally, I’ve seen myself grow in confidence and ability to speak to others, and have developed leadership qualities. I’m not afraid to talk to people and tell others about myself or my organizations.

What have you learned about your community through your involvement?
So many in our community would give you the shirts off their back if you need it. They are always willing to help out and so grateful for the volunteers who give in any capacity. Right now, there aren’t as many volunteers out there so just being willing and open to volunteer is everything they need.

Why is it important to give back to our communities?
We all rely on having a strong community—we can’t do it alone. And if we don’t continue to support each other, who will we rely on? During the pandemic there were so many people coming together and organizing events for community members in need. I feel that once you give back to the community, it starts to give back to you.