Organization: Hamilton Girls Basketball Club
Volunteer Service: Since 2017
What is the organization’s mission?
The Hamilton Girls Basketball Club is a youth sports organization that introduces young girls to basketball in a safe, nonjudgmental environment and prepares those who are interested in competing to play for Hamilton, the local high school.
How did you get involved?
I first got involved as a volunteer with Hamilton Girls Basketball Club when my daughters joined the youth league. Basketball is in my family—I grew up playing and it’s how my parents met. I remember originally selecting ‘no’ on the volunteer interest section of my daughter’s sign up form because I had no experience coaching. I didn’t want to do something wrong and discourage anyone from playing the sport, but a colleague with coaching experience encouraged me to give it a try. The next thing you know, I’ve got a stack of coaching books and I’m the head coach for one of my daughter’s teams.
How have you volunteered with them?
I’ve coached the youth league and the Junior Chargers league. I currently coach the Junior Chargers 4th grade team, am the assistant coach to the Junior Charger’s 6th grade team and serve on the board for the Hamilton Club. Through my involvement on the board I’ve revamped the club’s website, increased gym availability in the off season and added a new age group to youth league to grow the club.
What is the most rewarding part of volunteering?
From a coaching standpoint, it’s seeing the impact I have on these young ladies. I spend a considerable amount of time with them throughout the year and I get to watch them improve not only their basketball skills, but in their confidence as they learn what they can achieve when they put their mind to it.
From a board standpoint, it’s being able to influence the direction of the club. Through my involvement, I get to see my ideas implemented and how the entire club benefits from what I bring to the table.
Can you share a memorable experience from your community involvement?
On my third grade team last year, I had two girls who hadn’t scored during a game. As one of the most important achievements at that age, we worked specifically on this skill. Toward the end of the season when they did score, the entire team and parents in the stands cheered for them. I still remember one girl’s dad pumping his fist in the air and the camaraderie that was felt that day. It really made us feel like a team.
How do you feel volunteering has changed you as a person?
Working with young girls has made me more patient, and coaching has helped me improve my organizational skills and overcome my fear of public speaking. Kids have a short attention span and if I don’t come with a plan, the practices will fly by. Thankfully, they are also forgiving, so I’ve been able to improve my coaching skills along the way without judgment. It has also helped me spend more time with my family through a sport I enjoy. I appreciate the time I get to spend with my kids and see them grow up.
Why is it important to give back to the communities we serve?
Our club is largely dependent upon volunteers—we couldn’t have a club without them. It’s hard to find good coaches with experience, but we just need someone who is willing to try. That’s why I think it’s extremely important if you have a skillset that you give back to others. They could really use your help if you are willing to pass it on.
What advice would you give others looking to start volunteering?
It comes down to finding a cause you care about. When you do, volunteering doesn’t feel like something you have to do, but that you want to do. You’ll look forward to doing it and you’ll be surprised how much you miss it when you’re done. It’s okay to start slow and figure out what you really enjoy and build on that. I give so much time to my organization because I’m passionate about it, but it’s something I’ve grown into.