Based on the 2022 Year-End Devenir HSA Research Report
Associated Bank is honored to be named to the 13th spot among the nation’s top 20 largest HSA providers according to Devenir’s 2022 Year-End Devenir HSA Research Report. This is a two-spot jump from #15 in 2021.
“We saw great growth in 2022 and are proud to continue climbing the national list of top providers,” said Melissa Hukriede, senior vice president, director of HSA/TPA Solutions, Associated Bank. “We pride ourselves on delivering great value to our customers, partners and the industry.”
Associated Bank HSA information can be found at
View the Devenir news release and research report at
About Devenir
Devenir is a national leader in providing customized investment solutions for HSAs and the consumer directed health care market. When health savings accounts first emerged in 2004, Devenir built its expertise around delivering innovative investment solutions. As the consumer driven health care industry grew, so did Devenir’s reputation as a leading researcher and award-winning investment consultant. Today, Devenir continues to lead the way in the rapidly growing HSA market. A research driven perspective makes Devenir the go-to investment advisor, HSA investment platform and consultant to employers, banks, third party administrators, health plans and technology providers. Learn more at