In honor of Black History Month in February, Associated Bank hosted the Black History 101 Mobile Museum at Green Bay Associated Center on February 27.


“Associated Bank believes in the power of a diverse workforce, workplace and marketplace,” said Callie Davis, director of DE&I, Associated Bank. “Together with Black History 101 Mobile Museum and founder, Dr. Khalid el-Hakim, Associated is working toward the change we want to see and understand the importance of strengthening our knowledge now to enrich the future generation.”


Founded by Dr. Khalid el-Hakim, the Black History 101 Mobile Museum is an award-winning collection of over 10,000 original artifacts of Black memorabilia dating from the trans-Atlantic slave trade era to hip-hop culture. Through powerful thematic displays of rare primary source material, audiences of all ages will be introduced to Black history in an eye opening and engaging way.


Among the unique collection are rare artifacts including: slavery, politics, Jim Crow, science, religion, education, music, sports, and civil rights. Some of the highlights of the collection are documents signed by Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Mary Mcleod Bethune, W.E.B. Dubois, Paul Robeson, Rosa Parks, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., George Washington Carver, Lena Horne, Carter G. Woodson, Angela Davis, and many other historical icons.

The Black History 101 Mobile Museum offers a fresh and creative lens to view history while developing a broader appreciation for museums and providing a "safe space" to have honest conversations about race and social justice.


View the FOX 11 story and learn more about the Black History 101 Mobile Museum.