Launched in January 2020, the Priceless Planet Coalition unites the efforts of merchants, banks, cities and consumers to make meaningful investments to preserve the environment through the restoration of 100 million trees over five years. By working together under a single movement, the positive impact on climate change can be accelerated. Associated Bank is proud to be part of this coalition.


Restoring forests is acknowledged as a foremost action to climate change and has the ability to directly connect with consumers to drive action. Human activity has increasingly put our planet’s most essential forests at risk. The Priceless Planet Coalition’s goal of restoring 100 million trees is designed to combat this urgent and very real threat. Restoring is a simple and powerful way of capturing CO2 and mitigating climate change.


“Associated Bank is proud of our current sustainability efforts and excited to expand and involve our customers as we continue to make a positive impact on climate change,” said Marilka Vélez, senior vice president, senior director of marketing, Associated Bank.     


Associated Bank is committed to finding ways to engage in sustainable day-to-day practices in the communities we serve and strives to improve our environmental impact through how we operate our business and support our customers:


  • Our LED Lighting Program includes a 18% electricity reduction.*
  • In partnership with local utilities and two solar garden developers, 10% of Associated Bank’s electricity will soon be tied to solar garden subscriptions in Minnesota and Illinois.
  • Since 2012, our Power and Utilities specialized lending group has made more than $900 million in total credit commitments to support more than 30 wind, solar and hydroelectric projects, representing cumulative generating capacity in excess of 6,500 megawatts. These projects, spanning across 15 states, generate a significant number of jobs in their surrounding communities while providing clean, sustainable power.
  • We manage our carbon footprint with energy-efficient buildings, using “green” materials (made of recyclable or high life-cycle content) whenever possible, leveraging occupancy sensors and Energy Star® compliance applications to manage energy use, plus the use of LED lighting and solar gardens.
  • Build or buy a home with energy efficiency in mind and secure a loan, through the Associated Bank Green Home Initiative.


Associated will continue to be a conscious partner by inspiring and encouraging consumers to act and donate to reforestation efforts and demonstrate global impact and progress for reforestation projects:


  • Customers can support the Coalition and plant a tree by making a donation at
  • Customers who make the switch to paperless banking statements will have a tree planted on their behalf**


For more information about Priceless Planet Coalition, visit


* Compared to total annual consumption, prior to our 2015-16 baseline year.

** Limited time offer. Terms and restrictions apply.