Associated Bank is recognized for its 2019 excellence in mortgage servicing performance as part of an assessment and recognition program sponsored by Fannie Mae, the leading source of residential mortgage credit in the U.S. secondary market.


For the eighth year, Fannie Mae recognized Associated for outstanding mortgage in the General Servicing category, as part of its Servicer Total Achievement and Rewards™ (STAR™) Program. General Servicing encompasses customer service, loan administration and other areas.


Associated serviced approximately 64,174 Fannie Mae mortgages in 2019 with total balances in excess of $7 billion.


“The STAR Program is based on a continuous improvement model designed to consistently raise the bar,” said Caroline Patane, vice president of the STAR Program. “We’re proud to recognize our servicing partners for their competency, capacity and overall performance.”


Associated recently implemented a new online mortgage application portal, which allows consumers to apply for a loan using a streamlined application with or without the assistance of a residential lending expert.


“We want to meet consumers where they are and make the process of homeownership as convenient as possible,” said Tom Faughnan, executive vice president, director of residential lending, Associated Bank.


Associated Bank is Wisconsin’s #1 Mortgage Lender* and also has significant residential mortgage lending business in Minnesota and Illinois.


* The Wisconsin's #1 Mortgage Lender and Leading Lender in the Midwest designations are based on originated, closed-end mortgage loan count, gathered from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data compiled annually by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The results of the data were obtained through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mortgage Database (HMDA), August 2019.