Associated Bank branches across Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois are donating to their local veterans’ organizations to show support for veterans.

Throughout November, Associated Bank branches displayed photos and military mementos in their lobbies to honor our country’s veterans and active-duty military personnel around Veteran’s Day. Items were borrowed from various veterans’ organizations as well as community members wanting to contribute to the displays.

The branches with the top displays received $1,000 to donate to their local veterans’ organization:

  • Weston, Wis.
  • Baldwin, Wis.
  • Slinger, Wis.
  • Green Bay, Wis. (Fisk location)
  • Howard, Wis.

Check presentations are taking place with corresponding organizations in December and January.

 “Each year we invite the community to share veteran memorabilia and stories of their heroic journeys,” said Cole Oestriech, Weston branch manager. “The nostalgic displays have allowed us to support and thank our veterans for their time served and the sacrifices they’ve made for our country.”

The branch displays consisted of a variety of historical artifacts from times of war such as uniforms, flags, original photographs, and honorable awards and badges. The Baldwin branch was also honored to host a display of a Vietnam era UH-1 Huey helicopter.

This was the sixth year Associated Bank held this event. Associated Bank is committed to supporting veterans and military personnel within our business as well as our communities. View more about our veteran and military benefits at