Fall River, Wis. – December 1, 2014 – Associated Bank recently awarded Emma Waterworth, a student at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls, with a $2,500 “Good Fit” scholarship for writing about what a good fit meant for her when choosing her college. Waterworth is from Fall River, Wisconsin.

The scholarship money will be paid directly to her university for the 2014-2015 school year to help with tuition, fees, books and supplies expenses.

This scholarship was awarded to only eight students out of nearly 800 entries throughout Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota. Recipients were chosen based on their ability to creatively express why their university is a good fit.

“The ability to provide these students with scholarships is something that Associated takes pride in,” said John Loeffler, district manager, Associated Bank. “It not only reinforces our local involvement and dedication to the Fall River community, but it also helps us to assist our customers with the high cost of education, making it more affordable for them to secure their good fit.”

The scholarship application process provided students the opportunity to not only describe why they have found a good fit at their university, but also to reward them for their abilities to tell their story on the journey to finding their good fit. Associated believes that finding this fit is imperative to the students’ success because it will also help lead them to the path of their perfect career.

At Associated, a good fit is giving customers all the advice and financial services they need, in one place. For Waterworth, it means allowing her to continue living the farming lifestyle she loves while getting an education.

“A ‘good fit’ in my opinion is something that isn’t limiting, but gives you a chance to prosper and does so in a satisfying environment,” said Waterworth. “UW – River Falls in terms of a good fit is a great fit for me.”

Being a student at UW – River Falls allows Waterworth to achieve her goals while she continues to live the same lifestyle in a comfortable yet challenging atmosphere. “The opportunities, courses and resources River Falls has to offer will lead me to my dream of a career in agriculture,” said Waterworth. “My career of choice is to be a farmer, where I will be adding onto and taking over the family farm.”

“Though I’m far from my family and living in an apartment rather than in an old farm house, UW – River Falls makes it feel like home,” said Waterworth. “I’m involved in several campus organizations, along with many hands-on courses that enhance my passion for agriculture.”

The best part about UW – River Falls for Waterworth is that she is able to receive an excellent education while still doing the things she loves. “If that isn’t a good fit then I don’t know what is,” she said.

“It was my honor to award this scholarship to Emma for her dedication to finding her perfect fit,” said Loeffler. “We know what good fit means to us, and it’s great that she was able to find that in her university. Congratulations Emma!”