Waukesha, Wis. – November 9, 2015 – Associated Bank opened a new Waukesha branch at 2815 N. Grandview Blvd. today with expanded capabilities and a vibrant, contemporary design.
The new 2200-square-foot branch features Associated’s unique branded architecture, full service lobby, drive thru lanes and two ATM machines with deposit capability – one in the drive thru as well as one in the lobby. In addition, the staff is equipped with technology to help customers learn the additional conveniences available through Associated’s online banking channels.
“We are excited about our new branch for many reasons, but perhaps most for our dramatically increased visibility and customer accessibility,” said branch manager Chiia Weber. Weber has five years of banking experience with Associated and manages a team of six at the new branch.
The expanded capabilities and convenient location of the new branch, together with team’s continuing commitment to serving its customers, will provide clients with an enhanced banking experience, according to Weber.
Associated has other Waukesha branches at 1270 W. Sunset Drive, 100 E. Sunset Drive and 704 N. Grand Avenue.