School mascot: Trojans
Address: 1331 Packerland Dr., Green Bay, 54304
School Website:
School size: 1,176
Band size: 75-80
Band director name: Sara Baye
Band achievements:
The SW Marching Trojans have grown from 52 members in 2013 to 75 in 2016 and were able to add a full color guard this year! In addition to their field shows they also volunteer at several community events including the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, Heart Walk, and Gallerie of Shoppes event to benefit women’s education.
Favorite/best piece to perform: Geronimo
How the band will benefit from a grant:
The band just purchased a full drumline with a set of new harnesses, which will allow twice the number of students to participate in Drumline and will help those participating to have less back and neck pain from the weight of the instruments.
Drop off nonperishable, non-glass food items and support Green Bay East High School in their pursuit of a $2,000 grant.
Time / Date: Saturday, September 23 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Location: Lambeau Field parking lot at the corner of Lombardi Ave. and Ridge Rd., Green Bay
Schedule of events
- 10 a.m.: Community members are invited to begin dropping off food in support of their favorite school
- 11 a.m.: Autograph session with a Packers alumni and high school band pep rally
- 12:45 p.m.: Local leaders will announce the school with the largest food collection pile
For questions or additional information, visit or email