Associated Bank’s Colleague Resource Groups (CRG) foster the bank’s community commitment wherein they strengthen the communities we serve through focused corporate giving and employee volunteerism efforts that help our friends, colleagues and neighbors. Recently, they’ve been making donations to local charities that align with each CRG’s mission.

AVN and AWN Milwaukee support homeless veterans
The Associated Veterans Network (AVN) and Associated Women’s Network (AWN) joined together to help raise awareness of the increasing number of at-risk, homeless and under-served women veterans. Through colleague charitable jeans day efforts in Milwaukee and Green Bay, the AVN and AWN donated $2,150, along with food items and other essentials, to the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative (MHVI) to support their Women Veterans Initiative (WOVIN) program.

On December 5, AVN and AWN members presented the check and donations to Kirsten Sobieski, MHVI / WOVIN executive director. Sobieski is a veteran of the Military Intelligence Corps serving 10 years in the U.S. Army/Army Reserve, including two years on active duty.

“The Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative and its WOVIN program provided the ideal opportunity for the AVN and AWN to support women and veterans in our communities,” said Kevin Ress, risk and control program manager.

APEX supports LGBT youth leaders in the Midwest

The Associated Pride & Equality Exchange (APEX) donated $2,000 to sponsor the PFund Foundation’s scholarship program for LGBT youth. This partnership enables APEX to offer the Associated Bank Pride & Equality Exchange scholarship, which will be awarded to an LGBT youth leader studying business or financial services at a Midwestern university.


“The PFund Foundation serves as a resource and community builder for LGBT individuals and allies,” said Jason Ceplecha, senior bank manager and co-chair of APEX Minnesota. “The scholarships are given in recognition and support of the courageous leadership shown by the youth. They also aid in the development of LGBT leaders and advance diversity and inclusion in our workforce.”


To date, the PFund Foundation has invested more than $750,000 in individual LGBT leaders and $2 million to groups and organizations that help advance the mission.