This Veteran’s Day, colleagues from Associated Bank in Peoria teamed up with the Illinois Valley Fuller Center for Housing (IVFCH) and volunteered their time to help local veterans.

One group worked in the yard of 90-year-old veteran, Paul Krager, who served at Iwo Jima in WWII. Lynn Lusch, Boyd Schenck, Lisa Hammer, Jodi Bailey and Karla Losey, all came together to rake leaves and help with other outdoor chores for Krager.

“Although he is fortunate to still be living in his own home, he was certainly unable to do all of the needed yard work,” said Losey. “I had never seen so many leaves in one yard; in some places, the leaves were 18 inches deep! But the team worked together and managed to clean his entire yard in just a couple of hours.”

The second group, Beverly Bourazak, AVP & residential loan officer; Danelle Sinacori, universal banker; and Dennis Webb, financial consultant; completed yard work at the house of veteran Vic Burnett.

“I volunteered my time this Veteran’s Day because I appreciate the freedom that is so dear to me,” said Bourazak. “I value the efforts our veterans have made to protect those freedoms.”

Burnett was completely surprised by their visit.

“I had no idea, I was just totally grateful that they would come to do this,” Burnett said.

“It would be a lot of work for one person, especially when there’s yard work and maintenance to be done,” said Bourazak.  “It was an honor to be able to give back to a deserving veteran this holiday.”

Burnett sacrificed for his country when he served in the Air Force back in the fifties. To honor him, Associated Bank colleagues presented him with a plaque, cookies and gift cards, provided by the IVFCH.

“It was such a privilege to have the opportunity to honor Mr. Burnett for his service and to participate in a service project that helped veterans,” said Losey. “Servicemen and women, and their families, make tremendous sacrifices for our country, this was small way to express our gratitude for their service.”

“We should be more encouraging as this group is doing its bit. These people are great,” said Burnett.

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Front row: Five Peoria Christian Middle School students and Greg Woith, president of the Illinois Valley Center for Housing

Second row: Lisa Hammer, bank manager; Danelle Sinacori, universal banker; teacher from Peoria Christian and Debbie Gaught,  co-founder of the Illinois Valley Center for Housing

Third row: Lorraine Schenk, teacher from Peoria Christian, Jodi Bailey, relationship banker; Vic Burnett, Beverly Bourazak, AVP & residential loan officer; and Boyd Schenk, senior bank manager

Back row: Dennis Webb, financial consultant; Karla Losey, market manager; and Lynn Lusch, bank manager