Associated Bank was honored by Make a Difference – Wisconsin as the 2015 Lloyd Levin Difference Maker Organization of the year, the annual top recognition of an organization’s outstanding contribution toward improving financial education in Wisconsin.
“As we’ve learned from nearly a decade of delivering financial education programs, teenagers show the greatest improvement and interest when they are engaged by powerful speakers and supportive organizations,” said Brenda Campbell, president and CEO, Make A Difference – Wisconsin. “Supporters like Associated Bank have not only made financial literacy a priority, but they’ve brought it to life with their expertise and enthusiasm.”
Over the last nine years, Associated Bank has contributed more than $100,000 to Make A Difference – Wisconsin programs and events, in addition to connecting 54 current employees to classroom financial literacy volunteer opportunities.
“Teaching financial literacy truly does ‘share the wealth’ because the students we influence through Make A Difference-Wisconsin are then empowered to teach others,” said Sara J. Walker, senior vice president and investment officer, Associated Bank. “Additionally, through Make A Difference-Wisconsin, Associated Bank is able to enhance the confidence of an important and vital segment of our community – our young people. That confidence has far-reaching implications including a strengthened connection to the Milwaukee community as a whole.”
Along with Walker, Associated Bank leaders have proudly shared Make A Difference – Wisconsin’s mission, including John Utz, executive vice president and head of Corporate Banking/Specialized Financial Services; Tom Peterson, commercial banking business segment leader; and Dennis Krakau, senior market leader – Private Client and Institutional Services.
“In name alone, Associated Bank provides incredible clout with their sponsorship,” said Campbell. “Associated and its executives really lead by example, with active involvement in our classrooms and principal roles at events like our annual Investment Conference.”