Associated Bank colleagues and customers participated in a unique project to stock boxes with school supplies for children in need this year, in addition to making a traditional United Way Campaign pledge.

The “stock the box” campaign kicked off on September 16 when every Associated Bank colleague received a co-branded Associated Bank / United Way box to fill with essential school supplies, such as pencils, crayons, notebooks, rulers and more. The bank’s branch offices also received additional boxes for customers to fill. More than 1,000 stocked boxes will be delivered to the local United Way offices in Green Bay and Milwaukee for use with education-based agencies and programs this school year. 

“Associated Bank has partnered with United Way to help give the gift of education to children in need by providing school essentials,” said Christopher Piotrowski, executive vice president,  chief marketing officer and United Way Corporate Campaign chair at Associated Bank.  “These basic learning tools made a difference in the lives of young students to help them be successful in school and make a difference in our community.”

 “United Way believes that education is the cornerstone of individual and community success,” said Jayne Thoma, vice president of Volunteer Engagement at United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County. “We thank Associated Bank employees throughout our region who have generously donated school supplies to help local youth participate and succeed in school.”

“We’re fortunate to have companies like Associated Bank that really care about the community and take action, said Greg Maass, president and CEO of Brown County United Way. “It takes a community to change a community, and with partnerships like this, we’re making an impact on the lives of students in Brown County.”

Associated also announced that it has surpassed its annual employee/company United Way campaign goal of $1 million, with a total contribution estimated to be near $1.1 million.