Associated Financial Group (AFG), a premier employee benefits, business insurance and HR consulting agency based in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois, has been recognized as a Gold-Level Fit-Friendly workplace by the American Heart Association for helping colleagues eat better and move more.

"Physical activity and wellness are important priorities at AFG," said Amy Richter, senior wellness consultant, AFG. "We are honored to be recognized as a Fit-Friendly workplace and pride ourselves on providing the best workplace environment possible because it not only benefits our colleagues’ health, but it also produces even more positive results for our worksite overall."

To promote workplace wellness, AFG:


  • Encourages physical activity and provides colleagues with options.
  • Promotes healthy eating in the workplace.
  • Supports a wellness culture.
  • Achieves measurable outcomes through various wellness programs.


American employers are losing an estimated $225.8 billion a year because of healthcare expenses and health-related losses in productivity, and those numbers are rising. Many American adults spend most of their waking hours at sedentary jobs. Their lack of regular physical activity raises their risk for a host of medical problems, such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. Employers face $12.7 billion in annual medical expenses due to obesity alone.

The Fit-Friendly Worksites Program offers easy-to-implement ways for organizations to help people eat better and move more, which will help improve their health – and the employer’s bottom line. In addition to this recognition, AFG also was designated as a Gold Well Workplace award winner through the Wellness Council of America in 2013.

For more information about the Fit-Friendly Worksites program visit the American Heart Association website.