The Associated Veterans Network (AVN), an Associated Bank colleague resource group that provides a network for military veterans within the company, recently hosted a group of nearly twenty military veterans and guests at the Packers vs. Lions game from several towns in Wisconsin, as well as Texas and Tennessee.

Colleagues throughout the bank were encouraged to nominate veteran friends and family through the AVN. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine veterans serving in Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan all attended the game, thanks to Associated’s dedication to veterans and their families.

“The ability to provide these veterans with a Lambeau Field Packer game experience is something that Associated takes pride in,” said Patrick Derpinghaus, chief audit executive and AVN executive sponsor, Associated Bank. “It not only gives us an opportunity to show our appreciation for their service to this country, but it also gives them the chance to enjoy cheering on their favorite football team with the company of other veterans who are also dedicated to protecting our country. We’re so thankful we were able to give back a small token of our appreciation.”