Associated Bank appraisal services colleagues from Sussex and Hales Corners volunteered during Days of Caring at the YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association) Southeast Wisconsin’s Transitional Housing program by sponsoring an apartment building.

The transitional housing program provides support for women and their children who are temporarily displaced in Milwaukee County. The program offers a number of services to help families get on their feet, as well as temporary housing for up to two years.

“The transitional housing program also helps women build their self-esteem and make a contribution to society,” said Tom Kneesel, residential appraisal officer, Associated Bank.

Curt Kolell, chief appraisal officer, Associated Bank, helped organize the event for the two Associated appraisal review teams. “Our team is divided into two locations, so a group activity was helpful to encourage interaction between the two groups outside of work,” said Kolell. “We chose the YWCA event because it was related to making improvements to real estate and its impact on the neighborhood.”

The two teams dedicated their day to help prepare 17 units inside the building and two units in an adjacent home for new families to move in. The work included painting, repairs and cleanup.

“There is an incredible team of people dedicated to these women and living the mission of the YWCA,” said Angela Stoehr, centralized appraisal officer, Associated Bank. “I am grateful to have met them.”

“Volunteering always seems to lift the spirit of the colleagues and especially those on the receiving end,” said Myles Norton, commercial appraisal officer.