Candy Thurs, vice president, private client & institutional services at Associated Bank in Wausau, was recently selected as a finalist for the 29th Annual ATHENA Leadership Award.
The ATHENA Leadership Awards are presented by the Wausau Chamber of Commerce to recognize members of the community who have played an important role in business, our community and the advancement of women. The finalists, including Thurs, were honored at the ATHENA Leadership Awards Program event in early November.
“Developing, mentoring and helping females advance in their lives and careers has long been a passion of mine,” said Thurs. “I am very fortunate to have such strong female role models and mentors, which contributes to my desire to pay it forward.”
Thurs is also proud to be a driving force with her role as co-chair in Associated’s first regional chapter of the internal colleague resource group, Associated Women’s Network (AWN), in Central Wisconsin.
In addition to her commitment to the AWN, she also works with the Young Professionals Association (YPA) group and volunteers at the AC Kiefer Parent Teacher Organization, serves on the board of directors for the Boys and Girls Club of Wausau and the Marathon County Library Foundation and is an active member of the United Way’s Women in Action group.
“Congratulations, Candy, on your nomination,” said Katrina Blaskey, AWN North Central WI communications committee member. “Thank you for your commitment to empower, collaborate and support all women in our work environment. You truly exemplify the mission of the Associated Women’s Network!”