Associated Bank colleagues spent their morning at Paul’s Pantry in Green Bay during Days of Caring filling bags of sugar to be used in the store — filling over 500 lbs. worth.

Paul’s Pantry is a nonprofit organization caring for hungry people in the community who are unable to purchase food for their families as a result of their meager or no incomes. The Paul’s Pantry mission is to provide families with enough food every week, for as long as needed, so that they may use their dollars for shelter, utilities and other necessities.

“Visiting the pantry opened my eyes as to how many people are being helped by this organization,” said Mary Hansen, operations manager, Associated Bank. “There are many people who are less fortunate than we are and anything a person can do to help is very important.”

Paul’s Pantry handles nearly 20,000 pounds of food daily to ensure that mouths are fed and hunger is cured.

“Volunteering is a great way to give back to the communities we live in,” said Lynn Roemaat, senior program manager, Associated Bank. “When we share our time and talents, we are able to connect with people and improve our own perspectives. I appreciate all the encouragement and support Associated gives to their employees to allow us to volunteer.”