Associated Bank is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Good Fit Scholarship Contest. Winners were asked to define what “a good fit” means to them, why their school is a good fit and how their studies will lead to a good fit career. Nearly 800 entries were received and the following students were selected as winners:

Camille Warner
, McGill University
Emily Chrisler, UW – LaCrosse
Katharine Geertsen, Viterbo University
Lily Rawson, UW – Stevens Point
Ashley Forman, Winona State University
Beth Koeppel, Clemson University
Emma Waterworth, UW – River Falls
Ryan Kaun, UW – Parkside

Winners will each receive a $2,500 scholarship which will be paid directly to their institution for the 2014-2015 school year to help with winner’s tuition, fees, books and supplies expenses.

Congratulations to the winners of the Good Fit Scholarship Contest and thank you to all students who entered this year.