Associated Bank colleagues partnered with Make A Difference – Wisconsin to create a video remake of the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. The video features students, volunteers, teachers, and donors that support Make A Difference – Wisconsin and took the opportunity to thank those who support the organization’s financial literacy program.

Make A Difference – Wisconsin provides the financial literacy programs and resources that empower students to make sound financial decisions. The program includes six weeks of classroom visits, where volunteer instructors educate students on topics such as budgeting and saving, understanding checking accounts and credit cards, credit history/scores and credit reports.

Associated has donated more than $10,000 annually to Make A Difference – Wisconsin since 2006. As a founding contributor, Associated has a vested interest in the 6,000 Wisconsin high school students that benefit from the program each year. More than 30 Associated colleagues across Wisconsin are active Make A Difference – Wisconsin volunteers.

Brenda Campbell, Make A Difference – Wisconsin executive director, said she was delighted to have Associated participate to represent their strong partnership for financial literacy in Wisconsin.

“Associated’s partnership with Make A Difference – Wisconsin shows how much Associated and colleagues care about the communities they live in and serve,” said Kim Bronold, financial analyst, Associated Bank in Milwaukee. “It was an honor to be involved in making this video for such a good program, and I even had the opportunity to meet some new associated colleagues from around the organization.”

The video can be viewed here at the Make A Difference – Wisconsin website.