Associated Bank was recently recognized at the Red Cross of Northeast Wisconsin volunteer banquet with the Business, Group or Organization of the Year Award.

“The Business, Group or Organization of the Year Award is presented to those who through their own initiative have started or maintained support for blood services through their volunteer actions. Associated has a rich tradition of providing superior financial services, as well as making a difference in their community. For many years Associated Bank has partnered with the American Red Cross in a large capacity,” as shared by the Red Cross from its award presentation.

Associated special projects consultant Scott Beyer and regional facilities manager Linda Glass have been highly involved in coordinating blood drives at some of Associated's larger locations. They attended the banquet to accept the award.

“Blood is a resource that’s easy to take for granted, but it’s very important to those in need,” said Beyer. “I appreciate that Associated allows us the opportunity to host convenient onsite blood drives — and mostly, I appreciate the colleagues who roll up their sleeves to make our blood drives a success. We can save lives by supporting the cause, and that feels like the right thing to do.”

In Northeast Wisconsin alone, Associated colleagues have given more than 3,000 pints since partnering with the American Red Cross in 1990.

In addition to the blood services, Associated also extended their support in other capacities. Associated has been a tremendous supporter of the past two “Dancing with Our Stars” fundraising campaigns for the Red Cross, with two Senior Vice Presidents participating in the event. Tracy Lemsky and Rick Bondowski from Associated both served as star dancers and combined to raise more than $80,000 dollars for the Red Cross. Associated supported both campaigns financially, served as an event sponsor this past year and promoted the effort internally and externally to help generate even more donations.

Scott Beyer and Linda Glass of Associated Bank accept the Organization of the Year Award from the Red Cross of Northeast Wisconsin at their recent volunteer banquet.