Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin launched its Fourth Annual Food for the Holidays campaign on November 4. The holidays conjure up warm, cozy feelings about celebrations with family and friends; this usually includes time spent around the table enjoying a fulfilling meal. While this may be how many of us spend our holidays, families struggling to pay their bills are often turning to their local food pantry for a holiday meal. Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin and Associated Bank are on a million meal mission to provide one million meals to people struggling with hunger in eastern Wisconsin.

Last year, generous donations helped Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin provide nearly 1.4 million meals to children, families, seniors and individuals struggling with hunger. The lasting effects of the recession have left many families to choose between paying bills and putting food on the table. As a result, Feeding America has experienced a 31% increase in demand for food over the last two years. Together with our partner food pantries, meal programs and shelters we are providing meals to those in need.

The most needed items are canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter, cereal, rice, canned meat, soups and stews.

Join Feeding America and Associated Bank in their million meal mission this holiday season. Associated Bank is hosting a food drive at its locations across eastern Wisconsin, including Metropolitan Milwaukee, Fox Valley, Lakeshore and Wausau/Stevens Point Regions. Stop in with a nonperishable food item or make a monetary donation at the teller window. You can also donate online and find ways to help us reach our goal of one million meals at www.feedingamericawi.org

Together, we can provide hope to hungry families and children in Wisconsin this holiday season.