Associated donates security equipment to Schauer Arts & Activities Center

Associated Bank is about more than providing financial services to the communities in which it does business. At its heart, Associated focuses on its dedication to strengthening, creating and sustaining healthy communities.

Martha Kolins, Personal Banker at Associated’s Hartford branch, is a prime example of this kind of dedication. Kolins saw an opportunity to make the lives of local business owners more secure by seeking out used security equipment that could be refurbished from closed retail branches and donated to businesses in need.

As a frequent patron of Schauer Arts & Activities Center, a cultural, theatrical, and business center in the City of Harford, Kolins was approached by Randy Schultz, the

Technical Director at the Schauer Center, and together they established how Associated could help provide both an increase in security and functionality. Knowing that the Schauer Center relies heavily on donations Kolins knew it would be a perfect match.

After the Schauer Center’s needs were determined, Kolins contacted Dave Martens, Assistant Vice President, Corporate Security, Physical Security Group of Associated Bank to identify serviceable equipment and select the best available equipment to be donated to the Schauer Center. As a result, Associated donated 16 color security cameras and a digital video recorder to the Schauer Center to help provide the employees with a greater piece of mind.

“Associated Bank has always been a company committed to the communities in which it serves,” said Kolins. “Knowing that, I was sure that a request of this type would be looked at with the utmost attention. I am proud to work for a company that cares about our local communities like Associated does.”

Front row, left to right: Martha Kolins, Personal Banker (Hartford Branch of Associated Bank),Tim Miller, President - Board of Trustees, Schauer Center; Randy Schultz, Technical Director and Facilities Manager, Schauer Center, Patrick Boehm, Corporate Security Systems Manager (Associated Bank), Sarah Gasiorowski, Physical Security Supervisor (Associated Bank).

Middle row: Tianna Conway, Director of Education, Schauer Center; Brenda Lee Johnston, Executive Director, Schauer Center, Brent Luckow, Bank Manager (Hartford Branch of Associated Bank), David Martens, Physical Security Consultant (Associated Bank).

Back row: Carey Behnke, Marketing and Development Assistant, Schauer Center; Sarah Sebald, Volunteer Coordinator, Schauer Center; Katrina Sturtzen, Assistant Technical Director, Schauer Center; Greta Swigert, Assistant Box Office Manager, Schauer Center.