Associated contributes $10000 to La Causa Inc. jpg Associated recently contributed $10,000 to La Causa, Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Milwaukee’s largely Hispanic south side. The $10,000 contribution will be used to support operational costs for La Causa’s Crisis Nursery & Respite Capital campaign.

A new and improved state-of-the-art building is now under construction to replace the existing 105 year old facility that has provided a safe haven for children at risk for abuse and neglect in the home. The home-style facility is Wisconsin’s only 24 hour shelter providing free care for children during times of high stress.

“The services we provide through our Crisis Nursery & Respite Center gives parents a “safety valve” for help at those times when the stresses of finances, health, and /or other life challenges are too much to handle,” said George Torres, president & CEO for La Causa, Inc. “Taking these children and providing a safe and loving place to stay keeps them out of harm’s way and also allows for parents to catch their breath and refocus before the children become their venting source.”

Associated provides financial support through charitable donations to non-profit organizations throughout its footprint which help create and sustain healthy communities. Associated prioritizes charitable giving with a strategic focus on economic development, health and human services, education, environment and arts & culture.

“At Associated we believe our communities are better places to live and work as a result of the combined efforts of individuals and businesses working together to reach their full potential,” said Andrew Ruehl, vice president, corporate social responsibility manager. “We strive to meet our community's local needs by becoming involved with great organizations such as La Causa, and lend a helpful hand to address the challenges our communities face.”

“Associated has long been a great friend to La Causa and the community and we are both grateful for the show of support and proud of the partnership we have had with Associated and all of its great employees over the years,” said Torres.

In addition to monetary contributions to non-profit organizations, Associated seeks creative ways to make non-monetary donations, such as used equipment, facility use and other resources to benefit our community partners.