Members of Associated Bank's Green Bay Associated Advisory Committee (AAC) recently presented the Miracle League of Green Bay with a check for $275 at the Resch Miracle Field in Allouez.
The AAC, made up of various Associated staff members, are responsible for integrating the bank's vision and values in everything colleagues do.
"We presented the donation to The Miracle League as a way of saying 'thank you' to Liegeois, the Brett Favre Foundation, the Allouez Optimist Club, and the Resch Foundation for their hard work and dedication to Miracle League," said Green Bay AAC President Amy Deprey. "It's a wonderful organization that gives these kids the opportunity to play baseball and just be kids."
Money was collected through a Cause for a Cause day, which allows Associated Bank Service Center Colleagues to pay $1 to dress casual away from their business casual wear.
Founded in 2006 by Paul Liegeois, Miracle League of Green Bay is a non-profit organization that creates baseball teams for kids with mental and/or physical challenges. Each child, aged 4 to 19, is matched with a "buddy" who mentors the child on and off the field. On the field, the buddy guides the child through the rules of the game while allowing the parents to watch and cheer on their child from the stands.
The games are held at the Resch Miracle Field, constructed in 2007 with support from the Brett Favre Fourward Foundation, the Allouez Optimist Club and the Resch Foundation. The diamond is located in the Village of Allouez, a suburb of Green Bay. Recognizing the special needs of the kids, the diamond surface is wheel chair accessible and the field is shorter giving more kids the opportunity to hit home runs over the fence.
200 kids participated in the games this year.
Carrie Wisneski from Associated Bank, and her husband Bill, have been Miracle League coaches for four years.
"This year we coached a 6-year-old boy," said Wisneski. "He was so excited the night before his first game that he insisted on wearing his jersey and hat to bed!"
For more information on the Miracle League visit
Photo caption: Kevin Ress (from left) and his wife Nicole Ress, Maria Brandenburg, Josh Brandenburg, Paul Liegeois (Miracle League Executive Director) and Amy Deprey.