Associated Bank, N.A., Member FDIC, has introduced a new Power CDsm to help customers earn potentially higher returns in today's uncertain economic climate.
"These days, stock-market volatility and low interest rates are making it difficult for investors to meet their wealth-management goals," said Curtis J. Fuszard, president and CEO of Associated Investment Services, Inc. "We've designed the Power CD to help our customers minimize the impact of these factors on their long-term investments."
The Power CD's rate of return is not fixed. Instead, it's tied to a basket of 10 common stocks – Blue Chip stocks representing broadly diversified industries.
"The Power CD provides the potential for a higher rate of return than a conventional CD," Fuszard said. "Yet it's FDIC-insured to the standard applicable limits, and if it's held to maturity, there is a 100% return-of-principal guarantee. So it's considerably safer than investing directly in any stock."
Paying interest semi-annually, the Power CD is designed to be a "buy and hold" instrument, he added.
"Redeeming it before maturity may mean a loss of principal, so it's not appropriate for every investor. But for those who can make a long-term investment and do not tolerate much risk in their portfolios, the Power CD may be an excellent choice."