In July the Associated Bank branch in Merrill, Wisconsin, celebrated the "Dog Days of Summer" by partnering with the Lincoln County Humane Society. Beginning on July 5, customers were able to enter a photo of their dog into the "Cutest Dog Contest," and meet the many pets available for adoption from the Lincoln County Humane Society.
To participate in the "Cutest Dog Contest" customers filled out an Associated Bank survey and submitted a picture of their dog. Customers could enter their dog into the contest through July 23 and voting took place July 25 through August 6.
On August 11, the winner of the "Cutest Dog in Merrill" was announced. Congratulations to Dakota Lee for winning the contest and the Associated Bank "doggie gift basket," filled with toys and treats.
"We had a fun time partnering with the Lincoln County Humane Society for the 'Dog Days of Summer' and it was great to see the community so involved in giving to a worthy cause," said Jo Waltenberg, Associated Bank Merrill Branch Manager. "The Lincoln County Humane Society is always in need of our support. This year they are also in need of making changes to their facility to continue to provide a safe haven for our furry friends."
In addition to the "Cutest Dog Contest," the Lincoln County Humane Society brought a dog to the Merrill branch each Friday afternoon to showcase the pets available for adoption. During the "Dog Days of Summer" partnership, a total of two dogs were adopted. One was even adopted by an Associated Bank customer the very same day it was brought into the branch.
Throughout the month customers donated an entire basket full of pet toys and pet cleaning supplies to the Lincoln County Humane Society. More than $70 was donated by Associated customers, and more than $60 was donated by Merrill Associated colleagues, totaling almost $140 for support for local pets.
"The Dog Days of Summer is an example of a small group of people making a huge difference in the lives of animals! We are so thrilled to have the continued support of Associated Bank," said Liz Friedenfels, Manager, Lincoln County Humane Society. "Every donation makes a huge impact to homeless animals and we are very grateful to everyone who made the 'Dog Days of Summer' a success!"