TEMPO 1 On Thursday, August 18, Philip B. Flynn, President and Chief Executive Officer of Associated Banc-Corp, spoke to approximately 130 corporate female leaders at the TEMPO Milwaukee luncheon. TEMPO Milwaukee brings together influential women from diverse fields and backgrounds to create a network and shared experience that serves members in achieving their professional goals and furthers positions of leadership for women in our community. Each month, the membership hosts a lunch with an influential person as a speaker.

In late 2009, Flynn joined Associated Banc-Corp amid one of the most challenging periods in the financial industry. Since then, Flynn has led Associated to become one of the most stable regional, middle market banks in the country. Flynn discussed the thought and process that went into the Associated turn-around with TEMPO's membership. In addition, he reinforced Associated's solid stance in the marketplace.

"We were thrilled to have Phil Flynn speak to the TEMPO Milwaukee members," said Tracy Johnson, Executive Director, TEMPO Milwaukee. "He's got a great story to tell and his leadership perspectives are exactly what our members want to hear about. The key learnings he shared can potentially help everyone in the room."

Sara Walker (left) and Philip Flynn of Associated Banc-Corp, with Amelia Macareno, VP, Private Banker, Wells Fargo and Linda Mertz, Managing Director, Mertz Associates, at the TEMPO Milwaukee luncheon.